From the main index of more than 15,000 blogs, order expanded listings for top blogs and publishers. Download detailed rankings by engagement with contact information, including Twitter and Facebook profiles where available. Manually reviewed and categorized.
SELECTIVE QUANTITYWe started with an index of more than 15,000 recently updated fashion blogs and beauty blogs from around the world to get to the 99 listed below. Some are from first hand knowledge, others were discovered through countless hours of following blogrolls, online communities and network publisher listings. All are up to date, and focused primarily on fashion or beauty topics.
QUALIFICATIONWith each update, we eliminate abandoned or infrequently updated blogs, crunch data and assign a score representative of general content quality, popularity and buzz using link and social media sharing information. The 99 most influential blogs span multiple categories: from the street and personal style of trendsetters around the world, to breaking fashion news and beauty reviews. We're all about engagement - not just the biggest numbers.
THE TOP 99Are these the best fashion blogs? Best is subjective, but it's certainly the best measure of global style influence to date. Simply put, the Style99 is the most comprehensive, objectively measured guide to online fashion media out there. Period.
The Top Global Style Blogs: Spring 2014 (Published: )
A beauty 'edu-tainment' site featuring hair & makeup how-tos, nail trends, skincare, tools, obsessions & inspirations, as well as quick tips + tutorials.
Scott Schuman began The Sartorialist with the idea of creating a two-way dialogue about the world of fashion and its relationship to daily life.
Editorial Lead: Scott Schuman
Traffic is always an indicator of popularity, but related actions like linking to stories of interest, or sharing them on social networks are a greater indicator of influence. After building our initial index of websites, a score is assigned to each blog based on link data and sharing activity across social networks. Links represent 30% of the total score, with weight placed on the number of unique linking websites rather than the number of links in general. Sharing activity across Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest represent 50% of the total score, with emphasis placed on the social actions which are more closely linked to the spread of content beyond its original source. Finally, while traffic isn't everything, it is 20% of the total score. We base the score on estimated unique visitors to a site during Q1 2014.
Research and maintenance of the Style99 (99 Most Influential Fashion & Beauty Blogs) ranking is led by YM Ousley for Signature9. Follow YM's updates on Google+ or LinkedIn.