Everything about Uni.K.Wax is unique. The process is similar to normal waxing, BUT its eco-friendly, better for your skin and claims to be less painful. Though no pain/no gain in beauty, the eco-friendly part thrills us as well as the decent pricing and packages offered. First off, the wax is made of all natural ingredients such as pine sap, beeswax with an aloe base- all yummy ingredient’s for soft supple skin. The the wax does not harden like traditional waxes and remains elastic and soft while solidifying enough for the technician to gently lift it off your skin along with the hair. This seems too good to be true, but the proof is in the process.
Most of their stores are located in the bikini capital of Florida, but California and NY have recently opened stores. Keep an eye out ladies! We expect this innovative Uni.K.Wax will pick up fast.
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